
 out of your


and into



A practical meditation course for those 
that think too much and feel it all.


Who is this for?

You are a sensitive, creative soul who has big dreams but you live in your head. Maybe this shows up as anxiety, overwhelm, a chronic health issue or fatigue. It's almost as if life just feels too hard sometimes. You're smart, you've done a lot of work on yourself, and you know the importance the mind, body and soul connection. You're doing your best to eat healthy, exercise and you've tried meditation. But trying to "quiet" your mind only makes it get louder. You feel like you really don't have the time to just sit there when there is so much that needs to get done. If you did have the time, you're not even sure what the heck you're supposed to be doing. This makes you even more anxious!

I Totally Understand...

I really do. I remember being so drawn to meditation many years ago and feeling like - Yes! I need more of THIS in my life! That peace and serenity that would radiate from the monks or yogis as they talked about it - I want THAT!

Yet every time I would sit down to "quiet my mind," I could never do it! In fact, I'd get so frustrated with my extremely 'non-quiet' mind that it would start to get louder! And so I would jump up and out of my lotus position faster than a Jack-in-the-box and say - That's it! I can't do this!

It wasn't until I realized that horses (my greatest teachers) are always embodying what I like to call a "living" meditation, then understood that this was possible for me too, and everything changed.

You're plate is already full and this can't be another thing you have to do...
Embodying Living Meditation can help!

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What are the benefits of this Course?

You wake up every morning (before your alarm even!) excited to meditate because it fuels you - better than coffee ever could - for the day ahead.

You are no longer stressing over all the details of All The Things - exhausting yourself with over-planning and overworking, because you TRUST that you are supported and life is working for you.

The day no longer feels like it requires Herculean effort just to "get through" because there is now FLOW and rhythm that carries you.

You don't need to over-think and over analyze every decision because you are connected to your intuition so you always know exactly what to do.

You feel energetically lighter because you no longer feel the constant pressure that you should be doing more.

Life just felt so much easier!

Can Meditation Really Do All That?

Yes, it can!

You would love to feel all those amazing benefits but, meditation just doesn't work for you, right?

You're probably thinking this because I've heard it all before.

In fact, I myself have said it before!

And I still hear it from my clients to this day. Even though my clients are all very sensitive, soulful people who are doing their deep inner work - even they sometimes think; 

Meditation just doesn't work for me.

I just can't get into it

I'm not sure if I'm doing it right.

I really want to but I just don't have time!

So I really do understand that you think you can't meditate every day.

Until I discovered from the horses that meditation didn't necessarily have to be a thing that you're doing, but a state that you're being, I too used to think the exact same thing.

Horses helped me release my rigid expectations and limited understandings of what meditation was supposed to look and feel like so that I could learn to integrate it into my entire, exceptionally busy, everyday life.

Introducing ~ Let Meditation Be Easy 

So that your life can be EXTRAORDINARY! - This program is designed to make meditation work with your busy modern life - not against it - so that you can finally reap those amazing benefits of peace, tranquility, clarity, focus and ease of mind.

An 6 week transformative living meditation program.

We are going to let go of all our assumptions and ideas about what meditation is, we are going to shake things up and we aren't just going to do meditation - we are going to be meditation.

No more feeling frustrated and confused about this mysterious ancient practice. No more feeling like meditation and modern life are incompatible - or that you are incompatible with meditation. (Or incompatible with modern life!)

Let Meditation Be Easy is all about integrating the practice with your already hectic daily schedule - so that it's not just yet another thing you have to do. It's who you be.

I know meditation can feel intimidating and there are many apps and books that claim to simplify it. Maybe you've already tried many of them. So you might be wondering; what makes this program so different?

Well I’m so glad you asked because I can’t wait to share why….

Hi I'm Carolyn

Hi, I’m Carolyn and I spent most of my adult life stuck in my head, unable to move forward, believing something was seriously wrong with me. When I was diagnosed with a mental health disorder my worst nightmare was realized - there indeed was something seriously wrong with me. It was my brain! It was broken, flawed, something I’d just have to take a pill for and accept that's "who I am". Yet way deep down - when I could drown out the cacophony of fear, worry and anxiety that blasted through my head at all times - I would hear this little whisper that said; "That's not who you really are."

I would catch the whispers in those rare moments where you are completely out of your head and just so in the moment - whenever I was around horses; or with my camera; or just out in nature.

But it wasn’t until my pregnancy with my second son went sideways when that little whisper reverberated through my entire body and became a loud and clear and deep knowing.

With the masterful help of the horses I was able to slow down enough to really understand that I was NOT my thoughts. And I was certainly NOT some diagnosis. I wanted to connect to this other part of me - this wise, knowing, trusting self that came to life in the stillness and the silence.

Meditation was the avenue to connect - but the practice on the cushion just felt so...difficult! I was confused about all the different techniques. I was confused about what exactly I was supposed to be doing and how I was supposed to be feeling. And when I would hear these gurus speak about practicing meditation and mindfulness every day, I would think - "Yeah, that works well when you live in a monastery!!

How was I supposed to be calm and present with screaming children, challenging relationships and financial struggles?!

Where was the meditation program that addressed both the magical benefits of connecting regularly to that little whisper of knowing - that true self -  and the messiness and truth of trying to navigate a crazy world as a flawed, non-monk, regular ol' human being who makes mistakes on the daily?!

Well I couldn't find one so I decided to create one....

Here's What it Looks Like

(6) weeks of video lessons (You can join live or watch in your own time) that break down the core principles of living meditation and how to weave those in with your hectic life ($500 value)

(6) Full length meditations so that you can be fully immersed in the feeling of everything we are discussing ($200)

Mini meditations so that you can work them into your hectic schedule  ($50)

Worksheets and journaling homework each week so that you can integrate the learning and keep track of your growth ($50)

Extra office hours each week so that you can get direct support with what's coming up for you ($200)

Private Group for daily support, accountability and just knowing you're not alone! (Priceless!)

Total Value: $997
Your Investment: Only$497 




Please join me in this exciting opportunity to be one of the founding members of this brand new program.

It would be my absolute honour to go on this adventure with you!

I wish this was the space I had when I was ever so curious about meditation, but just couldn't make it work for my crazy brain and my messy life.

Click the “JOIN NOW” button

Fill out the form with your information and submit your payment

Check your inbox for a confirmation email.

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There are tons of free meditation videos and apps - why wouldn't I just use those?
You can! don't, am I right? Or you do, but not consistently. This program breaks meditation down into simple, easily accessible morsels, then shows you how to apply it to your everyday chaotic life. No more searching and scrolling for the right video for where you're at today. No more feeling overwhelmed and lost in those apps because there is just so much.

I have a lot on my plate right now - how much time will this course take?

This course is designed intentionally to work with your very full plate. And it's exact purpose is to help relieve stress, not add to it. Since everything is broken down and made easy - you really can use the principles and practices as you move through your day. We will meet once a week for 6 weeks - but if you can't make the live call you can always watch in your own time. 

I have tried meditation before and it really really doesn't work for me; how is this course different?

If you are conscious and breathing, then you really can meditate. You have everything you need to meditate - you just need some direction and guidance, and that's exactly what you'll get from this course.

I love meditation! But sticking to a regular practice is difficult because life always gets in the way. How will this course help?

Practicing meditation regularly is the best way to achieve the greatest results. This course is perfect for you because we will weave the practice together with your life. Your life will no longer feel like some massive hurdle in the way all the time.

When does it start?

We will begin at the end of May. The exact day and time will be determined once we gather all our founding members.

Join Let Meditation Be Easy!