“Who AM I?”
3 little words, a lifetime of questions...
Hi I'm Carolyn
Hi, my name is Carolyn, nice to meet you!
I work with big-hearted, gentle souls who are ready to show up more powerfully and unapologetically step into their inner leader and do big things in the world.
Do you have a bold vision and a fiery passion to live full out and make an impact but you know you are hiding and playing small?
Does your crazy brain tell you to "sit down! Be Quiet, Follow the rules, Don't bother anybody: Who are you to dream big?!" But your heart whispers; "Go for it, There's more, so much more for you. You were meant to be a force in the world!"
Then you have a group of sisters waiting for you inside our Gentle Warrior Collective. This is a community of like-minded, gentle souls - introverted, sensitive, empaths who feel deeply - who are on warrior missions to shift consciousness on this planet by being the biggest, brightest, fullest expressions of who they truly are.
This is a place where we support and witness each other on our journeys of creating change while being the change.
Does your small, scared self get in the way of doing big things in the world?
I totally get it. For years I internalized my naturally quiet, introverted nature to mean that there was something wrong with me. I took on the label of shy and kept myself in the background where I believed I belonged.
All those years of quietly observing meant that I was in my head a lot. Do you feel that way, too?
About Me
I spent most of my adult life stuck in my head, unable to move forward, believing something was seriously wrong with me. When I was diagnosed with Bipolar II Disorder my worst nightmare was realized - there indeed was something seriously wrong with me. It was my brain. It was broken, flawed, something I’d just have to accept and get used to. With my broken brain and my introverted, quiet nature, I wasn’t exactly the poster child for “Powerful Entrepreneur,” yet the rebel in me was determined to make my own way and felt these creative gifts always burning inside me.
So I hustled and pushed my way through through two businesses, first with photography and then with the photo album company my partner and I created, determined to not let my broken brain or sensitive nature get in the way of “what it takes” to be successful. It worked, sort of, temporarily when I was feeling well, and was disastrous when I wasn’t.
But it wasn’t until my pregnancy with my second son went sideways when I finally got the wake up call (my ‘shakening’ as I like to call it) that I needed.
Finally life slowed down enough for me to see what was real and what wasn’t. That believing all the messiness of my mind was actually creating a very messy reality! And that with these internal belief structures, no amount of hard work and hustle would ever get me where I wanted to go.
I was ready to create a business from my soul, that would help others and allow me to be me, yet a lot of the programs I found were either too much about the spiritual side and nothing practical, or too practical, all about the systems and formulas, but nothing about the real deal inner work involved.
Where was the program that combined BOTH? Well I couldn’t find it, so I had to create it myself!
Gentle Warrior Collective
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