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Can GUILT be good for you?? Only if you look at it THIS way!

Empaths: How to USE that Guilt for GOOD!

It’s that wonderful time of year…

When we are supposed to be surrounded by family, laughing and sharing in holiday cheer and merriment.

But what if we are not?

Because we choose not to be??

Well, this is exactly how my holiday is about to go down, because I set the hardest boundary I’ve ever set in my life, and I said the biggest, mightiest ‘NO’ I’ve ever said.

And can you guess what that big and mighty ‘NO’ comes hand in hand with…?

That’s right, the bigger the ‘NO’ the heavier the GUILT!

Because we are not supposed to put ourselves above all else, are we?

We are not supposed to turn away from…gasp…family?!…during the Holidays??!! I mean, you share DNA so that means you must share in fabricated merriment because….well because, it’s family!!

I share this because I know how guilty we can feel when we say ‘NO’ to the things and the people that fill us with tension, upset and frustration, yet we are expected to just suppress those very present true for us feelings, all in the name of how things are supposed to look.

And our society certainly supports this notion.

Don’t do what’s true for you

Do what you’re supposed to do.

But instead of just following the tacit beat of the drum in order to save us from the overpowering feelings of guilt, there is something else we can do with that guilt.

As always, if we can soften, even just a little bit, into the discomfort of that feeling, then we can let that guilt can guide us towards something even more beautiful.

How can it do that?

Well have a watch of this week’s video – How to use your GUILT for GOOD when setting difficult boundaries.

I can’t wait to hear in the comments – what would it feel like for you to let go of the guilt so that you can let in something much more empowering?

Also, hit REPLY and let me know, Will you be spending the holidays doing what you want to do, or doing what you feel like you’re supposed to do??

This is such a charged time of year, but I wonder – would it be so charged if we could set beautiful boundaries and reclaim our energy and our power?

Let’s discuss in the comments, I absolutely love hearing your thoughts!

much love,
Carolyn 💞

PS: If you’re interested in learning how to set healthy empowering boundaries so that you can set yourself free click here to join the waitlist for my upcoming program Beautiful Boundaries: https://beautifulboundaries.carolyncreed.com