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Is your perfectly planned day not going so perfectly? 😖 Remember THIS! 🐴

Things NOT Going as Planned? FRUSTRATED?! BE in the PRESENT MOMENT | A Spiritual Life Coach’s Guide

Tell me if this sounds familiar…

You head out to do something, thinking you know exactly how it’s going to go down, because that’s how it usually goes down. That’s how it went down in the past.

So if you’re doing the same thing, in the same way, you should get the same result. Right?

I mean, how much of your day are you on autopilot doing the exact same things you did yesterday? Getting out of bed on the same side, drinking your coffee from the same mug, getting into your same car and going to the same places?

So naturally we don’t give much thought to the fact that today is 100%completely different from every single day before it. When we forget about this we can all too easily slip into frustration when things don’t seem to be going the way we expect them to.

Skye is back again this week with a powerful reminder to help you minimize frustration when things don’t go as planned.

Click on the video above to watch this week’s video that will help you stay anchored in the present moment even when things aren’t working out the way you want them to.

I share a powerful “sticky note” question (do you love sticky notes as much as I do?! 🙋‍♀️) you can use when that frustration begins to build. It’s a good one so be sure to watch til the end!

Meet me in the comments and let me know if it helped!

much love,

Carolyn 💞