meditation for abundance and prosperity, meditation for abundance and prosperity heal your relationship with wealth and money

Meditation for Abundance and Prosperity – Heal your Relationship with Wealth and Money

Sing with me now, 🎶 When I say Mon-eyy, You say….?

Seriously, what do you say when I say MONEY?

Or better yet, what do you feel?

If you’re living in this world (and if you’re not, how the heck are you reading this?!) you most likely have a pretty unhealthy relationship with money.

When we say Money, hear Money, think about Money, most of us think something along the lines of, Gimme gimme gimme! Must get more! Not enough!!

And what happens in our bodies with those kinds of thoughts?

Contraction. Tightening. Agitation. STRESS!

From that place of stress, we then take stress-filled actions in order to get more money – which means we overwork, we stay up late, we worry and fret and then we have to consume all the caffeine, fat, sugar and doomsday news in order to fuel the overwork and numb the worry.

It’s kind of a messed up cycle, isn’t it?

But short of running off to the mountains to start our own utopian commune based on the barter system (something I’ve totally considered!), we are stuck with this money game. For now, at least.

So we must make peace with it. That means coming into harmonious relationship with money, which is very simply just one form or expression of abundance. It is not THE ONE AND ONLY form, something our consumer society can very easily forget.

We must remember – over and over and over again, because we will surely forget a hundred times a day – that abundance is all around us.

Just look at the flowers, the trees, the grass (the dandelions!). Nature never says, Here’s a tad, a bit, a smidgeon of leaves or petals. One bee; a bird or two.

Nature ONLY does ABUNDANCE. Abundance is A PART of it’s design.

WE are a part of nature.

If you look for it,
you’ll see it.
If you see it, you’ll feel it.
If you feel it, you’ll believe it.
And because you believe it,
You will absolutely see it EVERYWHERE

Now that is a cycle I can get behind.

And from that place, from that energy is where we want to approach money. NOT the other way around.

This week’s Guided Meditation will help you with just that.

It’s a juicy one. An abundant one. And I can’t wait for you to feel your own abundance.

Hit me up in the comments and let me know how it feels!

With an abundance of gratitude for you, darling soul. 🙏
