Morning Meditation for Gratitude - Get Ready to Have a Day Filled with Peace and Joy!

Morning Meditation for Gratitude – Get Ready to Have a Day Filled with Peace and Joy!

We just got back from a week in spectacular Northern Ontario and I am in vacation recovery mode.

As wonderful as it is to get away and explore new places, I find one of the best parts of leaving is coming back.

Your own bed, your familiar routine, knowing where everything is…. Home always becomes that much sweeter after you’ve been gone some time, doesn’t it?

This gratitude for where you already are, for what’s already here, just like your home, is what we will tap into with this week’s Morning Meditation for Gratitude.

Personally, this is exactly what I need this week as I recuperate from our “vacation.” (Because, kids! Lol)

To get back into my morning routine that begins each day with coming Home – home to our breath, to the comfort that with each breath we already have everything we need.​

This is a simple 10 minute meditation you can use to start your day from a place of peace and joy.

Come and practice with me!

Oh, and how perfect was this mug that just happened to be at our cottage rental?!

Much love,
