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Don’t let your precious time and energy go HERE!

Why Boundaries are So Hard for Empaths

I am so happy to be back with you, curled up on your couch with a warm mug of tea in our hands. (Ok ok, being in your inbox isn’t exactly the same as being on the couch with you, but it’s how I like to imagine us if we could be together in person.)

At the very least, I hope you are sitting somewhere comfortable because I have got a crazy story to share with you!

So I had to take what I thought would be a one week mental health break due to my world turning completely upside down. Metaphorically, of course, and much more on that in the coming weeks…

However, it ended up being two weeks because exactly one week later, my entire world literally turned upside down when my partner and two boys were involved in an accident where the car rolled over twice and crashed into the ditch!

Thanks to seat belts and side airbags, they all walked away without a scratch!  Just some shock, some lingering anxiety and a mild concussion for one of my boys.

When our world turns upside down – whether metaphorically through a massive life change or sudden loss, or physically through illness or accident – it shakes us to our core.

Yet in that violent shake, there is also a beautiful gift – we get to be reminded of what is truly important.

And most often, it is not what, or who, we have been giving our precious time, energy and attention to.

But instead of waiting for life to shake us, how do we remember to keep our attention and energy laser focused on what truly matters??

One word….Boundaries!

This is a mammoth of a topic and one that I will be diving into over the next few weeks. Starting first with why they are so damn hard for us big-hearted, sensitive empaths to practice.

Click below to watch this week’s video on Why Boundaries are so hard for Empaths.

Please be sure to meet me in the comments and let me know where you’ve been struggling with boundaries!

Much love,
