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Ugh, I messed up again!

5 Minute Forgiveness Meditation for Empaths

How many times a day do you kick yourself for slipping up?

Even just the mundane little things….like forgetting to text someone back. Misspelling words in an email. Arriving somewhere late. Again.

(If you read last week’s post then you know how much I kick myself over that one.)

Maybe you fumbled a presentation….Or put a tablespoon of baking soda instead of baking powder in the now ruined bake sale cookies. (But seriously, why do they always put them so close together?!)

….Or sent your kid to school in boots on the one day they were supposed to bring running shoes for the big race. 🤦‍♀️

Or perhaps, you sent out your Wednesday video on a Thursday. 😳

Whatever your daily mess ups may be, one thing is for sure – we all make them! All the time.

In fact, it’s all those little itty bitty ones that seem like no big deal in the moment, but then add up, and sneak up, until the next thing you know you’re driving in the rain, shouting, “I can’t do anything right!”

But we don’t need to let it get to that boiling point.

That’s why this week I created a short forgiveness meditation for you so that you can release all those little muck ups on a daily basis – before they add up to breakdowns after drop offs. 

Forgiving yourself doesn’t just apply to those big moments or events from the past, it can, and should, be practiced towards those nothing moments from yesterday or even this morning.

The more we practice forgiving and showing compassion towards ourselves – say it with me now – the more forgiveness and compassion we have available for others.

Please meet me in the comments to share what little recent muck ups you are letting go of!!

Much love,
