guided meditation for manifestation, guided meditation for manifestation how to make your dream life a reality

Guided Meditation for Manifestation – How to Make your Dream Life a Reality

When we hear about creating our dream life we often think it is about working really really hard to make that dream life exist – a life that is separate from the one we are actually living!

It’s the house that you’re not living in.

It’s the beach that you’re not on.

It’s the person that you’re not with.

It’s the money that’s not in your bank account.

All this focus on what isn’t.

Instead, I like to teach the art of shifting your focus to what is in your life already that has similar energy to the feeling of your dreams.

This is less about making your dream life happen, and more about merging your existing life, your Now life, with the energy of your dreams.

This can be so difficult for us because we have been programmed and conditioned to make things happen.

But before we go about making an entirely separate “dreamy” life (isn’t just the one life hard enough?!) we need to slow down and unlearn the very notion that the only way things happen is by us making them happen.

We need to let the Do-ing part of our brain take a rest, and activate more of the Be-ing part. The part that allows, that receives, that lets things happen, that collaborates with life, instead of pushing against it by trying so hard to make things happen.

And in that slowing down, paying attention and opening ourselves up to receiving the energy of our dream life, we begin to notice that – hey, wait a minute, that energy is actually already here!

I just wasn’t paying attention.

I was moving too fast. Trying to get too much done. I was over-doing.

I wasn’t Be-ing at all.

The more I Be

The more my Now life becomes my dream life.

Let this meditation help you with Being and with merging the Now with your desired energy so that you can manifest – and live – your dream life, Now!

Happy manifesting!



P.S. If you’d like to learn more about How to Be, then check out my new course The Art of Being!