Guided Meditation for Positive Energy and Relaxation - Morning Routine: Embrace a Brand New Day!

Guided Meditation for Positive Energy and Relaxation – Morning Routine: Embrace a Brand New Day!

Are you a morning person?

I am unequivocally not a morning person by nature. If left to my own devices, I’m a burn the midnight oil kinda gal.

In the darkness and stillness of nighttime, that’s when I used to feel most connected to myself. That’s when the thoughts and ideas would flow out of me like a river, and my hand would feverishly try to chase them with the pen, anxious to get all that creativity and clarity solidified on paper.

But this way of working and being is fundamentally not conducive to having little people in your life and so, for as long as 10 years now, when that first little one came into my life, I have been diligently trying to transform myself into one of those people – a morning person. Where the idea of morning and the routine that goes with it, is not just something I do, it’s who I am.

Someone who loves waking up. Who leaps out of bed. Who can’t wait to get the day started. Who jumps into their day excited about the possibilities ahead. (Someone I used to loathe admire.)

Because that’s what each day is – it’s an offering of brand new possibilities.

And when we can really remember that and lean into that – that you are sitting in the driver’s seat of a Possibility-mobile every time the sun comes up, well then how can we not be excited when that alarm clock goes off? (or even better, you’re so excited you don’t even need an alarm!)

Embracing a morning routine has radically changed my life. Starting my day from a place of centered-ness, from a place of conscious intention, from a place of focus, clarity and inspiration, gives me a much greater capacity to gently ride the inevitable waves that each day brings. (because…Children, horses, weather, family…All the things. All day long. Every. Single. Day)

A powerful (and succinct! because who has 45 plus mins in the morning to meditate?!) Morning Meditation is an essential part of succesful routine, so I created this 10 min beauty for you to help get you Up – to rise and indeed shine so that you are bursting with positivity and fresh energy!

I hope it helps you embrace the deliciousness of mornings (yup, I am indeed one of those people now!)

I’d really love to know if it helped you kick start your day and if you can feel that positivity and possibility flowing through you, so please meet me in the comments to let me know!

Here’s to your Rising and glorious Shining!

much love,
