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Does your NO! Trigger GUILT? Then you must read this!

Why Do Empaths Feel SO GUILTY When Saying NO? Here’s Why…

Oh my goodness, I feel so guilty!!

How many times have you said that to yourself?

How many times have you felt that pang, that tightness in your chest, when someone – especially someone close to you – asks something of you and you know you don’t have the time, you definitely don’t have the energy, and perhaps you just really don’t want to. 

Yet, something stops you from saying a clear, firm and confident ‘No.’

And that something is the big, fat G word – Guilt!

If you’re a sensitive soul, then you’re probably used to the pang of guilt; it’s almost like it’s the undercurrent of every thought and every decision you make.

Where does this guilt come from? And, why is it so familiar for us empaths?

This week’s video takes a look at the 3 common fears that drive those feelings of guilt.

Check it out below!

And I would love to hear – How guilty do you feel about saying No, even though you really really want to?? Meet me in the comments and let me know – it means so much to me to hear from you!

much love,
