Surrender Meditation - Embracing Life as it is

Surrender Meditation – Embracing Life as it is

Fact: Life is messy as all heck!

Solution? We must surrender.

But knowing we need to surrender and ‘just let go,’ and actually Letting Go are two very different things.

And to make matters worse, the idea of surrender and ‘letting go’ comes with numerous misconceptions, two of the biggest ones being you either have to a) like what’s happening – like somehow living in a post-pandemic world filled with war and violence is A.OK. or b) you have to turn away from what’s happening – like just don’t think about it kind of thing.

However, faking positivity or numbing yourself to what’s going on are far from what surrender is really about.

Surrender is a process and a practice of being more open, receptive and gentle towards what is actually happening.

You don’t have to like it, but you also don’t have to ignore it. You have to simply, though far from easily, Let. It. Be. Here.

Let whatever is here, actually Be Here.
It is a practice because we are conditioned to use our human force – to either fix, flee or fight whatever is happening.

To use our efforting to make what’s here that we are uncomfortable with, Go Away!

So to just ‘let go’ and allow what’s happening to actually happen – that requires exercising a muscle we are not used to using.

Meditation allows us to do just that – exercise, strengthen, and tone this invisible muscle in our minds.

I am excited to share this week’s Surrender Guided Meditation with you.

So that you can really dig deep into the opportunity that this messy world and our own messy life is offering us. Once we do, we can see that even though life is far from how we want it to be, life as it is, right now, still has plenty of magic available to us, no matter how messy it gets.

I hope you enjoy it and, even more, I hope it may be of some benefit to you during these very messy times.

Let me know in the comments how it went and if you feel even a teensy bit lighter.

With you through the mess,
