Are you a sponge for other people’s emotions?

Empaths | Can’t Stop Taking on Someone Else’s FEELINGS? Try this! Oh the eternal empath struggle… How do I not absorb the energy of the people around me – especially…

The BFF of Boundaries

Hi! Tell me if you can answer this equation… Big-hearted empath + Saying No = ?? Guilt. Guilt. Guilt! Right?! Why is it that setting boundaries and feeling guilty go…

The WORST Thing that Empaths do so Well

Stop Being SO Hard on YOURSELF! Release Expectations and FREE Your Mind Can you guess what it is? It never ceases to amaze me how some of the most beautiful,…

“This is NEVER going to work out!” 😩

Say Buh-Bye to Your OWN Toxic Energy! How to Set BOUNDARIES with Yourself! -Raise your hand if any of this sounds familiar: 🙋‍♀️ I get really excited about starting something…